On Facebook I was tagged by one of my friends as "The Good Little Church Girl" on a photo of different characters. I smiled because I never thought of myself as that. In fact, growing up, I was quite the opposite. I hated to go to church. I thought I had better things to do than to go through an hour of sitting, kneeling, standing....I just didn't get it. I was bored out of my mind! The reason I didn't see the importance of church was because I was "spiritually anorexic." At sixteen, I chose to go through confirmation because my sisters were confirmed so I just blindly went through the confirmation process. I remember once my confirmation coordinator asked if I could volunteer within the parish and you know what I've said? "I can't...I have to do homework to do." I was really into my studies and like many other things, I've put my grades before God.
It wasn't until significant experiences in my life, that I've really began to see the fulfillment in going back home to the Church. In times when I felt completely lost, the Church was always there to welcome me home. I have found a familial community and sense of belonging. Even though we were all of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, we all have one thing in common-- OUR FAITH. I can feel the presence of God through serving others through the gifts and talents he has given me. I feel his presence when I sing in choir. I feel his presence when I do artwork for Catholic Underground. I feel his presence when I attend RCIA and bible study. I used to think that spirituality can be achieved on our own, but now I've realized that it is very difficult to do so. We as humans are not meant to be alone. We cannot heal by ourselves. Through prayer we help each other heal. Through the love we show each other can we truly heal and experience the God's presence. We are the BODY OF CHRIST!
As for me, I don't mind being known as the "Good Little Church Girl." I've wished I was known that earlier on in my life--but it's never too late! It's never too early either. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing parents teaching their children the importance of being part of the church, no matter how old they are. After all, a family that prays together, stays together. :-)
1 comment:
I agree--it is difficult to heal alone. We are one body in the church. :)
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