At last night's bible study, we were discussing this question:
How would you define TRUTH?According to the dictionary, TRUTH is defined as:
1. | the true or actual state of a matter: |
2. | conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement. |
3. | a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths. |
4. | the state or character of being true. |
5. | actuality or actual existence. |
6. | an obvious or accepted fact; truism; platitude. |
7. | honesty; integrity; truthfulness. |
8. | (often initial capital letter ) ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience: the basic truths of life. |
9. | agreement with a standard or original. |
10. | accuracy, as of position or adjustment. |
11. | Archaic. fidelity or constancy. |
Which of these definitions do you consider the way you see truth? Each one of us has our own perception of "truth." Does something have to be scientifically proven to be considered true? Does something have to be seen in the material world and have physical tangibility to be considered true? The theories and laws we read in our text books are changing everyday. Would we still regard those theories and laws as true?
I agree with all the definitions listed in the dictionary, but they are not necessarily the way I see truth.
I define truth as what you believe is real--real in not just the physical world but in the spiritual world too. I define truth as something that has meaning and purpose in my life. People point out that the Bible have many historical and scientific inaccuracies. For instance the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John do not align in the events of Jesus' life. The earliest Gospel was written at least thirty years after Jesus' death. Because of the details that are not scientifically or historically proven, does this mean that the Bible isn't true? I believe that though the Bible should not be taken literally for every detail, it is the truth to me. Though the Scriptures may not be scientifically or historically proven, they hold powerful messages and teachings of truth that provide meaning and purpose in my life.
We do not need to have literal, concrete, scientific and historically proven details to validate truth in our lives. We don't need to conduct a science experiment or solve a math problem to find the truth. The truth--what we believe and have faith in-- is written on our hearts. If only we just stop for a moment and realize this, will find it.
The truth goes beyond the physical world. Life is truth. Love is truth. God is life and love. God is the Ultimate Truth.
1 comment:
Excellent definition of Truth, Amy! I couldn't agree more! The whole world would be a much better place if people would use this perspective on Truth because it would open themselves up more to the Truth.
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