Hello everyone,
Thank you to all of those who have taken the time to visit my blog . I have been getting a lot a lot of supportive and positive responses. Thank you--I've really appreciate it.
However, I have also gotten a couple of responses that have criticized me for being "judgmental" and too "closed minded." The primary reason for starting this blog was to share my faith with others--not to scorn others who do not share the same beliefs. I did not start this blog to point a finger at anyone. I did not start this blog to say that Catholicism is better than any religion. That was not my intention at all!! I've started this blog to take account of my own spiritual journey in my chosen faith. I did not mean to rub my beliefs in anyone's faces. I am a firm believer of free-will--that God granted you the choice to believe in whatever you want to believe. I am only stating my own faith. I know that it is difficult to talk about religion in today's society...I used to be embarrassed to talk about my faith to anyone because I was afraid what others would say about me. Now I am accepting to all criticism and I pray that I will be able to defend my faith with patience and wisdom. I don't have all the answers. I really don't. I, too, have so many questions about my faith and I am determined to seek the answers! This is why I hope to grow everyday with my faith...to never stop reading God's Word and praying to Him.
Just because I openly state my faith, doesn't make me close-minded or "afraid to be a little adventurous." I have researched and read about other religions as well as conversed with many friends who range from Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, to atheist. Even my last relationship was with a Muslim. I am glad to have a diverse group of friends because they open my mind to their points of view. As I am striving to keep true to my faith, I am eager to learn about others.
I've realized that I can't express my faith without being criticized by others. I'm accepting to that. I am no longer afraid. The words of Christ have really encouraged me to be strong:
"...If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you....whoever is made to suffer as a Christian should not be ashamed but glorify God because of the name."
Peter 4: 13-16
Other people may try to bring me down and take me away from God. Call me a freak--I don't care. No matter how hard they can try, I will still stand tall and keep strong. I always like to sing Alicia Key's "NO ONE" as a song to God:Peter 4: 13-16
'"People keep talking
They can say what they like
But all I know is
Everything is gonna be alright
No one, no one, one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you!"
They can say what they like
But all I know is
Everything is gonna be alright
No one, no one, one
Can get in the way of what I feel for you!"
1 comment:
Beautifully said!!
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